In this tourist map-guide of Pelion you will find a detailed map of the region with the whole road network up to the trails. It covers the areas of Makrinitsa, Portaria, Aghios Ioannis, Tsagarada, Argalasti. With accurate distances from intersection to intersection. All the beaches and the blue flag awarded ones as well as names of mountains, crests and toponyms. Coordinates to Geodetic Systems EGSA87 & WGS84. GPS Compatible. Index of villages, archaeological sites, monasteries, churches.
Nautical map of Pagasetic Gulf with light houses, depth lines, submarine cabbies, glossary. Map of the Ski center of Pilion. Travel guide with photos and a few words about each beach, villages of Pelion and the ski resort.
Maßstab 1:100 000
Sprehen: Englisch, Griechisch |