The first part of the book, that comprises two unities, presents, in the form of 22 full-page drawings, the story of a Doric column capital (some weighing 12 tons) and of the men who hewed it from the quarry and transported it to the Acropolis.
The second part deals with the phases which this belt underwent in antiquity, the quarrying and transportation methods, and also the natural landscape across the route from Pentelicon to Athens, as it would have appeared in antiquity.
Korres Manolis : Doctor of Architecture - Engineering (National Technical University of Athens), Dr-Ph.H.C. of the Freie Univ. Berlin, has from 1975 taken part in the program of the Ministry of Culture of the Hellenic Republic for studies on the structural of the Acropolis monuments. Since 1976, he has undertaken archaeological work on Naxos for Athens University and the Technical University of Munich. He has also collaborated in studies of the monuments of the Mani, Amorgos and the Evros region.
42 b/w photographs and drawings.
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