A lavishly illustrated volume presenting the priceless artistic treasures housed in the historic Monastery of Saint Catherine on God-trodden Mount Sinai.
Historical Outline - N. Tomadakis
Introduction - K. Manafis
Architecture - P. Grossmann
Mosaics and Wall Paintings - K. Weitzmann - A. Paliouras
Early Icons - G. Galavaris
Icons from the 12th to the 15th century - D. Mouriki
Post-Byzantine Icons (Cretan School) - N. Drandakis
Icons from the Metochion of the Sinai Monastery in Heraklion, Crete - M. Borboudakis
Church Gold Embroideries - M. Theocharis
Church Metalwork - Y. Ikonomaki-Papadopoulos
Illuminated Manuscripts - G. Galavaris
The Library and the Archive
The Library - P. Nicolopoulos
The Papyrus Collection - N. Livadaras - H. Harrauer
The Arabic Manuscripts - Y. Meimaris
The Syriac Manuscripts - S. Brock
The Georgian Manuscripts - S. Brock
The Slavonic Manuscripts - I. Tarnanidis
The Archive - Hieromonk Demetrios Digbassanis
Printed Books - A. Nicolopoulou
Geographical distribution of the metochia of Saint Catherine's Monastery
300 colour illustrations. |