Elliniki glossa (by Ruslan H.) Hi. When the book will be available in your store? I want to buy it. Thank you.
Rating: [1 of 5 Stars!] Date Added: 09 February, 2013
Beautiful People (by Chris H.) A perfect evening's entertainment among friends; a perfect date movie. A well cast group of jeunesse...
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] Date Added: 21 April, 2011
Peirasmos (by Katerina T.) o Periklis Stergianoydis, nikitis toy Fame Story 3, epanerhetai dynamika me ena cd "peirasmo". "Peir...
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] Date Added: 20 March, 2008
Glykoharama sto kyma (by Tony S.) George Sakellarios is an excellent artist whose songs have wonderful lyrics, with outstanding Cyclad...
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] Date Added: 09 October, 2007
Epikoinoniste Ellinika 1 (by Bernard A.) I have to say that this is an axcellent textbook indeed. I use it along with the fantastic "Learning...
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!] Date Added: 10 July, 2007
Learning modern Greek. Pack cassettes (by Bernard A.) FANTASTIC ! Learning Greek on your own can be a daunting task. Not only because like its ancient sis...